MagKast-La (FeSiMg with La)

MagKast is a new generation nodulariser, containing controlled amounts of Lanthanum, which act as nodularising agents in addition to Magnesium.

Our alloys are produced in induction furnaces and cast in permanent moulds, to give better homogeneity. The alloys are analysed with the help of X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer to ensure consistent quality.

Chemical Analysis

Grade% Mg% Ca% La% Al% Si% Fe
MagKast-La5-82.5-40.8-1.21.2 Max43-48Balance


  • This grade be used for production of S.G.Iron where high nodule counts are required.
  • Controls Micro Shrinkage
  • Gives Superior Mechanisal Properties
  • Better magnesium recoveries compared to regular grade.
Size Range5-15 mm, 15-25 mm, 3-6 mm, 0.5-3 mm,
Dense Packed Size3-25 mm, 8-25 mm, 1-15 mm
AdditionAddition can be reduced by 0.1-0.2% of regular FeSiMg alloy, depending on treatment temperature and sulphur level of the base iron.
Packing50 Kg, 1000 Kg – HDPE Bags.
StorageIf stored in low humidity environment in the same packing, product can be preserved for a long time.